Performance Tables

Context Information

Reviewed on a yearly basis or before if necessary.


Reviewed on a yearly basis or before if necessary.

Behaviour and Exclusions

Reviewed on a yearly basis or before if necessary.

Exam & Assessment Results


Reviewed on a yearly basis or before if necessary.

Pupil Premium

Reviewed on a yearly basis or before if necessary.

Special Education Needs and Disabilities

Reviewed on a yearly basis or before if necessary.

Child Protection & Safeguarding

Reviewed on a yearly basis or before if necessary.


Reviewed on a yearly basis or before if necessary.

Equality Objectives

Reviewed on a yearly basis or before if necessary.

PE & Sports Premium

Reviewed on a yearly basis or before if necessary.

Data Protection

Reviewed on a yearly basis or before if necessary.


Reviewed on a yearly basis or before if necessary.

View all other local academy policy documents here:

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