
At Grange Lane Infant Academy, we teach pupils to be scientists. For this to happen, our science curriculum is underpinned by three core principles;

  1. Where-ever possible, pupils learn through practical, hands on experiences
  2. Pupils learn facts and build knowledge over time, using precise scientific vocabulary
  3. Pupils learn and improve the skills of a scientist

As pupils enter our Foundation Stage, opportunities for investigation, exploration and critical thinking are all around.  Provision is carefully planned through key themes such as seasons, physical changes, and growing and planting. These support pupils develop a range of scientific enquiry skills and in becoming scientific explorers.  They are guided to ask questions, test their ideas and seek answers. These are the fundamental skills of a scientist.

As pupils move through the academy, the National Curriculum is sequenced in a way which builds knowledge and skills over time. They are given opportunities to ask questions and test their own ideas. For example, ‘Which materials would make the best house?’

Science is further enhanced because it is carefully threaded into the Reading Enhanced Curriculum (REC). Additional enhancements to the National Curriculum include, for example, learning more about dinosaurs in Y1 with Gigantosaurus, written by Jonny Duddle or learning about the uses of everyday materials in Y2 with the The Big Picture Book of London by Rob Lloyd Jones.