World Book Day 2024

What an amazing week Mrs Heyes organised, and it was all about the joy and wonder of books! Along with the author visits this week, Mrs Heyes also organised a very different and very enjoyable world book day.

A couple of weeks ago Mrs Heyes gave everyone a wooden spoon with the challenge to turn the spoon into one of their favourite book characters – she also asked the children if on world book day they would like to swap a book they have enjoyed with another child to hopefully find another enjoyable book!

Well, the challenge was not a failure with the families of Grange Lane! The many wonderous characters made from just a spoon was amazing and the reading ambassadors found it very hard to choose winners from each year group. The excited buzz coming from the hall when children were choosing their new book was also brilliant to hear.

The spoon characters are going to be displayed in our library – thank you everyone for contributing to this great day.