These 3 children have already earned each colour of our Rainbow Pledges so have their first Bronze Certificate and Bronze Star badge.

Our Rainbow Pledges encourage children’s personal development and encourage the whole child not just in terms of academic achievements.

Children initially gain lolly sticks for each colour of the rainbow. Once they gain each colour, they achieve a badge and certificate– bronze, silver, gold and in exceptional cases platinum. If a child does something exceptional in one particular area, they achieve a headteachers award and certificate. Pledges are for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

Red – Extra Curricular: I will regularly attend an extra-curricular club (this can be at school or outside school).

Yellow – Home Learning: I regularly complete my home learning challenges (this includes homework, reading at home and children choosing to bring work they have done at home)

Pink – Healthy Living: I show by my words and actions that I know how to keep myself healthy.

Green – The environment: I show by my words and actions that I care about the environment.

Purple – Citizenship: Both within the school and the local community I am a respectful, active citizen and make a positive contribution to society. Contributions to charity events, participation in community events outside school, upholding the school rules and ethos (Fundamental British Values)

Orange – Leadership: I show by my words and actions that I am a leader and positive role model to others. This differs from the above in that children have to show leadership characteristics e.g. speaking in class, in assembly, to visitors; fulfilling class leadership role-monitors, school council, eco warriors, playground leaders, dinner monitors, reading ambassadors. Year groups need to provide their own opportunities for this.

Blue – Democracy: I am aware of and have respect for similarities and differences. They understand and appreciate diversity.